Monday, May 24, 2010

My Obsessions

when we talk about absession,
i would like to tell you mine,
just a few thing that make us a person,
just don't you deny,

the hat that speaks your mind,
the colour of the crown,
protect your head from heat,
day or night,

the chariot of life,
where it takes you to your destination,
the white stallion that you proud of,
for every occasions,

your heart,
my soul,
my mind,
your love,

whatever you want,
you will get,
if you only dont forget,
don't live yourlife with regrate.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My letter to you

Dear You,
i hope that you can read this,
i know we had wonderful time together,
the ups and down,
the happy and sad,
it was life as to me,

now time pass us by,
you went forward and i`m still here,
funny how people can froze like ice,
but like ice,
it melt away,

saw your favorite movie,
it was nice,
i wish i was like Gerry,
he died and still loving,
that is when she realize how much he love her,
how much i love you,

Hello is my favorite song now,
the lyrics is how i would speak to you,
"I've been alone with you inside my mind,
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times,
I sometimes see you pass outside my door,
Hello, is it me you're looking for? ",

i know you have him now,
and i have non,
i know how you see him in your eyes,
but now my eyes are blind,

Dear You,
When you read this i`ll be gone,
to a place far beyond,
i wish you all the best,
and God bless.

P/S: You know what i wanna say....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bagai hantu

kemana sahaja aku pergi,
kau pasti ada di sana,
lemas dadaku ini,
rimas diri ini,

aku mahu kau pergi dariku,
hentikan keperitan ini,
aku ingin bebas dari sangkar ini,
aku ingin diriku kembali,

tiada lagi keraguan,
tiada lagi kerisauan,
tiada lagi tanda tanya,
tiada lagi keinginan,

setiap pagi kau menghantuiku,
setiap petang kau mengganggu mindaku,
setiap malam kau menyiksaku,
setiap hari kau sakiti ku,

Ini harus berhenti,
kerana aku tidak tahan lagi,
kau sentiasa menghantui diri ini,
pergi kau dari sisi,
pergi kau dari diri ini.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


kembali bangkit sang arjuna,

dari lena yang lama,

tubuh mu walau lesu namun masih bernyawa,

meredah perit yang menyiksa,

kau kembali dengan semangat,

kau bangkit dengan dengan matlamat,

kau arjuna sakti paramiswara,

menegak tiang kasih rasa,

walau masih sakit kau menuju jendela,

berhenti seketika menghurup udara segar,

setiap hirupanmu,

kau merasa ia berlegar terus ke hati,

di situ kau sedar kau belum mahu mati,

maka terus kehadapan,

mencantas segala cabaran,

kerana kau arjuna,

gagah lagi perkasa